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Let’s Start Planning Getaway to Get Stuff Done

Back to School & End of Summer Party!!!

August 1, 2018
By Jeryse Kelly

Have you enjoyed your summer break?  Break in the school schedule?  Break in routine dinner schedule?  Break in the extra-curricular schedule and demands on time?  Nine months out of the year, we are locked down in schedules.  Even though we enjoy, having a break from the schedules we also enjoy getting back into the schedule.  People tend to get more accomplished when they have a schedule or a system to work within.

For those that were in school, work for a school or had children in school are you feeling ready to get back into a schedule/routine?  Are you running out of things to do?  That should never happen.  Reading, crafting, organizing, cooking, swimming, watching movies, hanging with friends and more!

With the beginning of the school year, there are many activities; shopping, planning for the routine of being in school and extra curricular activities to begin.  This brings in an end of summer party on Labor Day weekend.   The official last day of summer is September 22nd.  Labor Day is the first Monday in September.  Labor day is an annual celebration of workers and all that they have overcome in years past.  Workers in the past had a really dismal beginning with conditions and number of hours being worked.  To learn or remember what the conditions were like watch this short video -

Let's celebrate the beginning of the new school year, doing a new hobby or continuing an old hobby/sport, getting back to a regular routine with a party at the beginning of September!


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