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Let’s Start Planning Getaway to Get Stuff Done

Party, Party, Party!!

November 17, 2017
By Jeryse Kelly

Who's ready to party, celebrate and fellowship with friends and family!?!?!

This is the holiday party season.  In the next 8 weeks, we have Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve day!  There is plenty of opportunity to have a gathering and shine with your friends, neighbors and family.

Here is a plan to survive these next 8 weeks of the holiday party season.

holiday party season


holiday party season


We can do this, with a little bit of planning we can accomplish anything we want to!


Sparkling Cranberries

2 C water

2 C sugar

2 C cranberries

Sugar to cover the cranberries

In a small pot, combine water and sugar.  Heat until all sugar is dissolved.  Pour the cranberries in a heat safe container.  Add the hot sugar water (simple syrup), pouring over the cranberries.  Cover the container and refrigerate overnight.

Next day, scoop a few cranberries into a bowl with sugar to cover the cranberries.  Once coated with sugar, scoop them onto a cookie sheet (covered with wax paper) to dry for a couple of hours.  Keep repeating the process until ALL cranberries have been covered with sugar.

Holiday Party Decor Inspiration







For a Magical, Joyful and Kinetic event, contact MJK Events!

Are you in the midst of planning your holiday party season or wedding and want a trusted advisor to assist you?

Are you ready to get some of your time back in your schedule?  Stop what you are doing and contact me today!

Schedule a consultation to plan your next event - or call 480-248-4938

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