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September 2, 2023
By Jeryse
I know, the title of this post may seem weird.  "Why do we celebrate Labor Day?" Does anyone know why we have a day off in September? Be honest, who gets Labor Day confused with Memorial Day? To be fair to both holidays, everyone should know and understand the who and why we celebrate Labor […]
June 30, 2023
By Jeryse Kelly
Watch this short video to learn and know the history of the 4th of July otherwise known as Independence Day!  Take some time during the holiday weekend to learn some history of America winning its independence and gaining the 4th of July holiday. Did you know Every 4th of July the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia […]
April 6, 2023
By Jeryse Kelly
Depending on what you celebrate, Happy Passover, Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy Everything! We get to celebrate Passover and Easter this month.  Here is a little bit about the history of Easter.  Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and dates back to pagan times.  Easter is […]
December 30, 2022
By Jeryse Kelly
Have you ever wondered why we use some of the images that we use to celebrate New Year's?  Read on to learn the how and why of our New Year's History and Traditions.  If you haven't thought about it, just scroll to the bottom of the article for some decorating ideas. ANCIENT NEW YEARS CELEBRATION […]
September 1, 2022
By Jeryse Kelly
For those of you that have a wedding or event that will take place in the fall, it is time to get back to planning now that the hot summer months are ending. We have made it through the storm and it is time to get back to work. Keep reading for Labor day Fall wedding […]
July 2, 2022
By Jeryse Kelly
Watch this short video to learn and know the history of the 4th of July otherwise known as Independence Day!  Take some time during the holiday weekend to learn some history of America winning its independence and gaining the 4th of July holiday. Did you know Every 4th of July the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia […]
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